Directors :
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Klaus Albert
Institut für Organische Chemie der Universität Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Ernst Bayer
Institut für Organische Chemie der Universität Tübingen
Date :
October 07. - 09., 1996
monday, 09.00 to wednesday, 17.00 hours
Place :
Hörsaalzentrum MORGENSTELLE; Hörsaal N1
Institut für Organische Chemie,
Auf der Morgenstelle 18,
D-72076 Tübingen
Course costs :
DM 980,--; (including documentation, coffee breaks)
Minimum / Maximum Attendance 8 / 16
Information / registration:
WiT - Wissenstransfer,
Universitätsbund Tübingen
Wilhelmstraße 5,
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel.: 07071/29-6439;
Fax: 07071/29-5990;
Aim of the training course:
Participants will learn the theoretical basis of on-line separation
science-NMR coupling techniques with respect to chromatographic and spectroscopic
background knowledge.
Practical on-line separation and identification examples will demonstrate the enormous power of this hyphenated technique. Thus participants will be enabled to solve problems by themselves.
Time course:
Twelve lectures will deal with the theoretical background of both
the separation science and the NMR spectroscopy. Special attention will
be given to problems encountered with on-line separation-NMR coupling effecting
chromatographic separation as well as NMR acquisition conditions. Practical
examples will demonstrate how to deal with structure elucidation of unknown
The basic theoretical background of NMR spectroscopy, separation science and on-line coupling is carefully outlined in the manuscript of the training course.
Practical problems encountered with on-line separation-NMR detection experiments will be discussed during the practical exercises (12 hours) on a BRUKER ARX 400 and a BRUKER AMX 600. Participants are encouraged to bring "public domain" problems into the training course and to solve these problems therein. The NMR staff of the NMR department of the Institute of Organic Chemistry will assist in interpretation of NMR spectra.
Solid-State NMR Seminar in Oberjoch
13.10.96 - 17.10.96
For more information send an email to: